A Breakfast with Seminarians event was held Sunday, October 30th at St. Mark Seminary. An annual event organized and hosted by St. Julia's parish Knights of Columbus council and supported by the Erie area councils of the Knights of Columbus, the breakfast is an opportunity for Catholics to meet the seminarians at St. Mark's and talk, get to know them, and to encourage them in their journey of discernment.
Photo on left: Mass for vocations in St. Mark Seminary Chapel. Concelebrants (L-R): Fr. Patrick McCormick, Fr. Scott Jabo and Fr. David Renne.
Photo on right: Father Scott Jabo addresses the attendees at the Knights of Columbus annual Breakfast with Seminarians.
The morning began with a Mass for vocations in the chapel celebrated by Father Scott Jabo, Rector of St. Mark Seminary, and concelebrated by Father David Renne, Vice Rector, and Father Patrick McCormick, a retired priest of the Diocese of Erie. After Mass, breakfast was served in the refectory. Members of the Catholic Daughters of America and the Serra Club of Erie were also present to encourage the seminarians and to pray for vocations. All told, about 75 people attended the breakfast.
Father Jabo thanked the Knights of Columbus who hosted the event as a way of encouraging the seminarians and letting them know that the wider Catholic community is praying for them and cares about them. He asked all Catholic laypersons to get involved and pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
The public event is usually held the last Sunday in October of each year, and any Catholic may attend the function by making a reservation with the Knights of Columbus next October when the date of the event is announced again.
Photo on left: Doug Fleming, District Deputy for the Knights of Columbus, enjoys a conversation with seminarian Michael Geary. Michael is in First Pre-theology, studying for the Diocese of Erie.
Photo on right: Knights of Columbus, Catholic Daughters of America and members of the Serra Club of Erie attended the Breakfast with Seminarians event.